"How to Get Your Swirl On"
"How To Get Your Swirl On"
Overflowing with color
through the Light and Love of Christ.

Our Story

In the summer of 2007, Augusta resident Diane Sheffield embarked on her first mission trip to Belize, Central America. It was a trip that changed her life and the lives of her family forever. For years, her daughter and son ­in­ law had been trying to conceive, but had been unable. God's plans for the young couple were revealed to Diane on that first trip. In November, Heather and Joey Barrs took their first trip to Belize to begin the adoption process of their daughter, Sophia. Like Diane, the couple fell in love with the people of Belize and felt a real connection to its people. Heather remained in Belize until the adoption was final and returned home to Augusta just in time for Sophia's first birthday in March 2008. Led by God, Diane and her family have continued sharing God's word through their annual mission work in the Central American country. In 2014, Diane joined with Quest Church on a mission trip unlike her other trips. She wanted to empower the women of Belize with a skill that would also help them generate income. She packed materials to make bracelets and taught the ladies how to make them. The bracelets accompanied a book she was writing. From the start, it was a success, the ladies loved making bracelets and it gave them a sense of purpose by allowing them to contribute financially. Heather and Joey felt God leading them to become full time missionaries. They formed a 501(3)(C) non­profit in 2015 called A Better Belize and moved in 2015.

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The Book

"How to Get Your Swirl On" is a beautifully illustrated children's book that tells the story of two sisters, Flutter and Sassy. Through the girls' adventures, children learn about Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Children will see Flutter make the choice to become one with the Artist of Creation and get her Swirl (the Holy Spirit). Visually, her life changes from dull black and white to multi-colored when she becomes filled with the light of Christ that can't help but spill over to other people. With this book, you can help your children choose an abundant life in Christ, receiving all of the power that comes when they are living with the power of "The Swirl." In addition, your purchase of the book will be helping the women of Belize to live a self-sustaining life.

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The Bracelet

Young women in Belize beautifully handcraft the bracelets. They tell about Salvation and the Holy Spirit, one bead at a time. Walk with me around this bracelet and I will explain. The story begins with good and evil, represented by the black and white beads, then you choose Jesus (cross) and you are then covered by the blood of Christ (red). The butterfly represents the transformation, into a new creation. There are three crystals representing the light of Christ living in us and shining through us. When the light of Christ shines through the pure unlimited liquid love (white), it produces the colors pink (joy), fuchsia (peace), orange (patience), yellow (kindness), lime (goodness), blue (faithfulness), green (gentleness), and purple (self ­control). Through your heart love will overflow for everyone to see. The Swirl beads represent the Holy Spirit stirring up that power in you to produce all those beautiful colors of the spirit. The bracelet will give you many opportunities to share and teach about the abundant life in Christ. - Matthew 28:19-­20

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